A collection of free resources to learn graphic and web design

Wilson Miner – When We Build
What happens when we stop thinking of ourselves not just as developers or experience designers, and take up the mantle as a new generation of product designers for a digital world?

The Fundamentals of User Experience
Amanda Morrow, Interactive Designer at BitMethod and Lead Designer of Change, introduced some of the basics of user experience design. She began by defining the term, then walking through the general process of UX design and all its elements. She then ended with a few tips for making better design decisions.

Building unimaginable shapes
Inspired by cell division, Michael Hansmeyer writes algorithms that design outrageously fascinating shapes and forms with millions of facets.

UX Axioms
A set of UX Axioms designers and developers alike can use to integrate UX into their practice.

My life in typefaces
In this charming talk, Matthew Carter, the man behind typefaces such as Verdana, Georgia and Bell Centennial, takes us on a spin through a career focused on the very last pixel of each letter of a font.